French for Travel: Beginners Lessons


Learn the basics for your upcoming travels in the French-speaking world!

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Within two days of purchasing this course, you will receive an email to attend a 15-minute Zoom introductory meeting. Here, we will explore your specific vocabulary needs. For example, do any of the following vocabulary contexts take priority for your travels: ordering food, communicating allergies, shopping, courtesy words and small talk, making reservations, or transportation and mobility needs?

During the meeting we will lock-in the dates and times that work best for you and your instructors over the 4-week period coinciding with the date of your first lesson.

Lessons are non-refundable, however, we understand life events happen. If notified by email of a cancellation within 24 hours of the scheduled lesson, one missed lesson may be added to the end of your scheduled session. Please note you must receive a reply confirmation acknowledging your request.

$140 (4 classes at $35 each)